Huwebes, Hunyo 30, 2011

Turn out the lite (By Anderson Digby) vs. Nostalgia for Kerala (By Peter Cherches))

Every person has his or her own perspective on certain types of food. For example, in Digby's article entitled, "Turn out the lite", he poured out his thoughts and his heart towards "lite" food. It was like he was saying, "Why? Is lite that necessary?". Well, firstly, lite is another variation for the word "light" wherein light means "made with lower calorie content or less of some ingredients than usual." And in Digby's article, it was stated that "cigarettes with filter strips are less than cigarettes, and non-alcoholic beer is less than beer. Low-fat milk is less than milk." What Digby was trying to say here was that "Things are not what they are when they lack something that is usually in them." And in the paragraphs that followed, Digby also said that, "Good dishes are what they are", which furher elaborates what Digby stated earlier in his article.

In the next few paragraphs, Digby differentiated the "opposite of lite" from the lite food. He defined the opposite of lite food as "pungent, complex, characterful, without concession: food for MEN", whereas he defined lite food as "insipid (or tasteless), weak, denatures, flat, diluted and easy: food for COWARDS and CHILDREN". Therefore, he views western culture as childish and cowardly because mostly of the western food nowadays are lite in order to cope up with tiday's fast-paced lives.

On the other hand, Cherches' article expressed his deep interest in Keralan culture and cuisine. He said that "Keralan cuisine is one of the world's great culinary secrets," which clearly means that Cherches' really loved Keralan cuisine. And not only that; even in the start of his article, he said that Kerala is his "favorite part of India There are beautiful beaches & backwaters, paces of great historical interes, reflecting the region's varied colonial past and an overall sense of contentment & well-being among the people" which explains and shows Cherches' love and interest for the Keralan heritage and culture.

"I was excited to learn that there's a Keralan Restaurant, Keralan Kitchen, in the Floral Park section of Queens", this was what Cherches wrote in a portion of his article which, revealed his great interest for Keralan Cuisine.

But, although the two articles differ greatly when it comes to interest in a certain type of food, they both have something in common, and it is this : The way they describe food is greatly linked o how they described the culture from where that certain type of food came from.